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Contact Us

St Edward's College

Sandfield Park, Liverpool L12 1LF

Tel: 0151 2812 19999
Pupil Absence Line: 0151 254 7444
Fax: 0151 281 1909
Email: student.services@st-edwards.org.uk

Our Reception is open Monday-Friday from 08.15-16.00 during term-time only.

If you have any queries, they can be directed to our Student Services Team, Mrs Talbot & Mrs Swaine, via the main contact details above. Please note all calls are recorded and monitored.

If, as a parent of a pupil attending this school you require a paper copy of the information on this website, we shall provide this free of charge.

Principal: Mr L Fabia
Chair of Governors: Mr T Alderman (COG@st-edwards.org.uk)
SEN Coordinator: Mr G Ray. Please direct SEN-only queries via e-mail to SENCO@st-edwards.org.uk