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St Edward's College

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Reporting Absences

It is vital that pupils attend school regularly in order to make good progress with their learning, develop confidence in school work, build positive relationships and develop independence.

Our minimum expectation is that pupils achieve at least 95% attendance across the school year. Should your child be absent from school, parents are asked to telephone the Absence Line on 0151 254 7444 before 08.30 each day your child is absent, giving details and the anticipated day of return. We will send a text message to the parents of any pupil who does not arrive at school by 10.00 if we have not received prior notification of absence.

As far as possible appointments for Doctors, Dentists and Orthodontists should be made outside school hours. If it is absolutely necessary for a pupil to attend an appointment during the day, a written note/appointment card must be emailed to studentservices@stedwards.co.uk.

The College does not give permission for pupils to go on holiday during termtime. There may, however, be occasions where there is an exceptional need for a pupil to be absent. If this is the case, you should complete a Leave of Absence Request Form (available in Student Services) prior to making any arrangements.