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Safeguarding statement

At St Edward's College, we have a strong culture of respect and tolerance and our environment is one where pupils flourish. Staff know and care about all pupils and the College is an environment where pupils feel safe and listened to. Bullying, discrimination and child on child abuse (whether online or offline) are not accepted and are responded to quickly, consistently and sensitively.


Safeguarding is everybody's responsibility and, as such, our policies apply to all staff and volunteers working in or visiting the College. At St Edward's College, we always act in the best interests of our pupils.

Roles and responsibilities for Safeguarding

Please click on the following links to find useful information in helping to keep children safe:

Safeguarding Resource Hub https://www.safeguardingresourcehub.co.uk/

Reporting a concern about a child

If you have a safeguarding concern about a child, please contact the College directly on:

0151 2812 19999 or postbox@st-edwards.org.uk


If you have a concern about a child and you cannot speak to anyone at school or this is out of school hours: 

Liverpool Careline and Out of Hours
0151 233 3061 (freephone 0800 731 6844) 

social media guidance parents final.pdf

Keeping children safe online

Healthy relationships

Radicalisation & Extremism

Mental Health

  • Please click here to visit our new page dedicated to Mental Health & Wellbeing.

The pandemic has meant that children are spending more time than ever before learning and socialising online. Parents are juggling
new technology alongside working and navigating the risks children face online. This interactive guide from Prevent focuses on the risks that online hate, extremism, and fake news pose and how parents and carers can minimise those risks:

Prevent Online Safety Guide

This booklet provides a resource for parents who experience abuse or violence from their adolescents. Liverpool City Council hope it will help to increase the safety and wellbeing of parents and carers, and provide strategies to promote caring, responsible and non-abusive behaviour:

Adolescent Abuse to Parents Support Booklet 


A photo from St Edwards College
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