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St Edward's College

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Young people making music together is a wonderfully enriching thing to experience. The standard of music excels at St Edward's; the daily disciplines of practice, along with a demanding and ambitious programme of concerts and services, ensures that musical pupils aim high but are carried along by the skill and aspiration of their tutors and mentors. Put simply, musicians at St Edward's know what excellent sounds like, and they set out to achieve it day by day.

A busy programme of peripatetic and whole class music teaching is underway constantly at St Edward’s; we encourage all pupils to learn an instrument and engage in music making. A regular programme of concerts, drawing upon a wide range of genres and styles, punctuates the school year and offers pupils the chance to take to some great stages to perform and share their talent. Singing or playing an instrument requires discipline, but helps promote pupils’ sense of wellbeing, ability to manage their time, and promotes academic progress.

St Edward’s is proud to be part of the exclusive Choir Schools Association, a network of 40+ schools, mainly in the UK but with some members overseas, each of which exists to serve the musical life of a Cathedral, Abbey or Collegiate Chapel (www.choirschools.org.uk).

Music Learning Journey

A photo from St Edwards College
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